Bad Billboard

This billboard ranks in the top 10 of the worst out there. Note to people out there that use this phrase: you have officially been “big timed” by this billboard. As of this post, you can see it on the East bound service road of George Bush Highway, just East of Coit Road in Plano.

Testing out Tableau

I ran across some nifty visualization software – and it’s free. Tableau Public allows you to filter, tweak, populate, export and embed public data and even your own data for your audience to see. For simple research, and for open, sharable information, there’s not much of a downside. For this test example (yeah, it’s super… Continue reading Testing out Tableau

Glidetrack Test Shots

Erin is critical of the audio – she says it is total porn music. Okay, okay. Taken in context with the video and how it’s low-lit, I can see her point. Whatever. The real point is to try out my new Glidetrack SD Shooter. I’m excited to use this on some real projects!

Categorized as video

Cake Monster!

Melissa and Luke’s boy had a blast nomming on his birthday cake.   Here is a quick edit I put together of him.

That Was Easy

I donated $10 via text message to the Red Cross to support earthquake victims in Haiti. You should too.

Categorized as life


Dr. Parry’s class is starting up. As usual, it will be a major amount of reading. It should be a challenge (a good one). Here is the course description. Source For roughly 400 years, a period we might refer to as the Gutenberg Parentheses, analog print has served as the primary substrate for knowledge creation,… Continue reading After/Print

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Assembling Some Shots

Here’s some initial footage and photos from my work (with Nico) on a music documentary on The King Bucks. I’m excited to work on this project, and I look forward to when we can have enough footage and other materials together to make a story.

Categorized as audio, video

Starting a New Project

I’m helping Nico with a music documentary project. I’m not sure where it’s heading, but I’m sure we will come up with some great material in the end. Here’s some audio I recorded last night. This is The King Bucks covering Buck Owens (right click, save as to download). And here’s a snippet of video.