King Corn

It’s what you’re made of. This looks good.

Categorized as life

One week late?

Tonight was presentation night for my arts and technology class. I better get on that this weekend, along with the move!

Categorized as UTD

Global Views – Highpoint Showroom

My girlfriend Erin helped put this showroom up on a work trip few weeks ago and I’m just now seeing the amazing results. Nice work.

Categorized as design


Yes! I’m excited to live on my own again. I’ve lived with couple of good friends for the past 2 years, and it’s been great. I’m ready to get some more space for me, some more quiet to focus on school work, and some more exposure to Dallas.

Categorized as life

Computer Imaging – Project 1

I’m taking an entry level photoshop class just in case there’s something that I might have missed along the way. And I’m glad that I’m doing this. Because there are things that I’ve skipped along the way. And the lesser-known short cut keys help save time. Project: Computer Imaging Project 1 Requirements: This project required… Continue reading Computer Imaging – Project 1

Paint Party (re-post)

(Note: I’m in the process of moving old posts on to blogger. So this is a re-post from Tuesday, August 21, 2007) Erin and I hosted a paint party this past Friday. I grilled up a bunch of good food, and lots of other people brought appetizers and snacks. It was a great time! How… Continue reading Paint Party (re-post)

Sprint Commercial

Wow. This is wicked. And I thought it was computer-generated. Dreams – Behind the Scenes – Sprint Ahead

Categorized as misc

Climbing the Mountain

Grad school – registered for my first three classes yesterday. YES! I also got my parking permit and my student ID card. So I’m ready; just need to figure out how to get tuition paid for… in the next four days. Yikes. I did the camp counselor thing again this year. I had a great… Continue reading Climbing the Mountain

Categorized as UTD

*FREE* Comp Work?

The CMS data dump project (think data entry) is going strong. I’m trying to stay connected to the outside world when I can. I’m feeling inspired to do some mock-ups for a friend’s site. Maybe it’s total boredom? Maybe it’s thanks for buying dinner?

Categorized as life