We Need Your Vote for Behr’s “Room for Color 2010” Contest

Hey, you! Yes, you! We need your vote for our house on Behr’s “Room for Color 2010” contest. In all honesty, I’m not so amped up about actually winning the contest. I’m more amped about spreading the word and getting some exposure, and sharing our house info and hopefully inspring others in the process. Just… Continue reading We Need Your Vote for Behr’s “Room for Color 2010” Contest

Another House Shot

Here’s another shot of our house at night. This one takes on the more dreamy appearance of HDR. While it’s not a perfect art form, I think that this type of image treatment deserves credit.

At Sundown

Here’s a shot of our remodeled Cliff May… just before dark. I am slowly learning HDR photography. This shot is a little bit blown out (see the hot spots on the lights?) but it still gives a more dynamic feel to the photo – compared to a one-exposure shot.

Day One

Erin and I just bought a house! We are super excited and there’s a lot of work to do. But we’re taking it one day at a time. Over the weekend, we painted, packed the old apartment, had appliances delivered, had a new hot water heater installed, and moved. Lots and lots and lots of… Continue reading Day One

Categorized as design, house