Pumpkin Carving

Erin and I carved pumpkins on Saturday. I attempted Janet Leigh’s famous scream expression from Psycho. It was harder than I first imagined. Erin did an original leaf design and it turned out lovely.

Categorized as art, life, misc

No move, but new coffee table!

There has been lots of rain in Dallas today. So we’re rescheduling my move for tomorrow. I went to Erin’s company’s sample sale and got a new coffee table though – and that’s exciting. I also got three vases. The table in the background is a housewarming gift from Erin. Most excellent. Hopefully tomorrow is… Continue reading No move, but new coffee table!

Categorized as design, life

Moving Day

I’m all packed up and ready to go (well, almost). Tomorrow is the move day – and the movers get here bright and early. Study time!

Categorized as life

King Corn

It’s what you’re made of. This looks good.

Categorized as life


Yes! I’m excited to live on my own again. I’ve lived with couple of good friends for the past 2 years, and it’s been great. I’m ready to get some more space for me, some more quiet to focus on school work, and some more exposure to Dallas.

Categorized as life

Paint Party (re-post)

(Note: I’m in the process of moving old posts on to blogger. So this is a re-post from Tuesday, August 21, 2007) Erin and I hosted a paint party this past Friday. I grilled up a bunch of good food, and lots of other people brought appetizers and snacks. It was a great time! How… Continue reading Paint Party (re-post)

*FREE* Comp Work?

The CMS data dump project (think data entry) is going strong. I’m trying to stay connected to the outside world when I can. I’m feeling inspired to do some mock-ups for a friend’s site. Maybe it’s total boredom? Maybe it’s thanks for buying dinner?

Categorized as life