For my very first all-grain batch, I opted for a nice, low gravity IPA. Gasp! There is some trash talk going around about the latest releases from craft brewers about their sessionable IPAs. I don’t see what the big deal is. I think that, to the purist, the IPA should never be session strength. But I say hogwash… I’m going to make what I want to make. That’s the fun of it!
So this recipe was a slight modification of this Purring Kitten IPA recipe I found on BJCP Hero’s site.
Everything was going smoothly, and then all of the sudden I had a stuck sparge. I ended up pouring the entire mash in to another container and sparging from there. Needless to say, the wort came out super-duper hazy. However, after 2 weeks in primary, and 1 week dry-hopped in secondary, the beer cleared up a LOT. I added gelatin at kegging, so that should help clear up the beer even more.