On IDEO’s Future of the Book

Years ago, I watched a short documentary piece highlighting IDEO. Since then, I have felt fascinated and inspired with their products, product design process, people, culture and even the way that a hipster employee pulley-mounted his commuter bicycle so that it conserved space in the office environment. I would love to work at IDEO. Silly… Continue reading On IDEO’s Future of the Book

We Are All Homeless

I will be live streaming (along with my mobile lab video group) the “We Are All Homeless” flash mob event on Saturday, April 17, 2010. Here’s our video feeds so you can either watch live or view replays of the event. Kyle Kondas Mike Stephens Mary Skinner Ben Smithson Chelsea Conway

Testing out Tableau

I ran across some nifty visualization software – and it’s free. Tableau Public allows you to filter, tweak, populate, export and embed public data and even your own data for your audience to see. For simple research, and for open, sharable information, there’s not much of a downside. For this test example (yeah, it’s super… Continue reading Testing out Tableau

hrp.com – Cool Hand-powered Navigation

Spotted on UX Mag. The Publicis & Hal Riney site asks you navigate via mouse OR your HAND (via webcam). That’s right, the flash-powered site requests access of your web cam… and then you can navigate the site with movements of your hand.

Thought Different

A look [back in time] of the Apple.com home page over the years.

Categorized as webwork

E-mail Standards Project

I’m pleased to see a group pushing web standards support and accessibility in e-mail. I recently developed a new html e-mail template for company use and tested through several popular e-mail clients and came up with a decent, but not perfect attempt at a standard template.

Categorized as webwork

Interface Research

Here’s a simple survey on interface research. After you submit your results, you can see survey results of the total respondents. Nice.

Categorized as webwork

Findings from the Web Design Survey

I took this survey. And now the results are in. You can download a PDF of the findings. You can even get the raw data if you want! http://www.alistapart.com/articles/2007surveyresults

Categorized as webwork